Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Yes, Him is back w/ another awki meal!  U prolly can't see, but that's shrimp and sausage in that marinara sauce, with a hint of garlic and herb...holla at that.  Also, you'll notice in the background my cup of syrup (aka crystal light and sprite), my notebook that I came up on from the computer lab at Wake (Her has pink in it so I'm kinda embarrassed when I pull her out, but then I remember how free it was), and my Go Phone! Holla!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Words of Wisdom

Make commitments!!  Commitments are liberating!!!
- Herb Krumsick

Monday, June 9, 2008

Words of Wisdom

A career is merely what you're paid for,
A calling is what you're made for.

Mr. X

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Daily Dose of Genius

"Anything that's against what's right and normal and traditional but not over the top?  Do it.  Always.  They won't admit it, but that's what everybody wants."

Ocho Cinco


Aight, so for real, what's the point of watching The Real World now.  I mean, what could possibly happen that we can't predict now.  Will is still lame.  Joey is still insane. Kim is still whack.  Brianna is still a stripper.  Dave is still irrelevant.  And Sarah still needs to be at home spooning with her boyfriend.  

My prediction is that ratings decrease dramatically for the rest of the season.  Holla

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Real World Hollywood: Power Rankings

There's been a lot of debate and controversy over this new series of the Real World.  In my humble opinion it's one of the best in a long time.  There's drama, sex, drugs, and everything else you would expect from Hollywood.  What more could you want from quality TV?
Well, since everybody has strong opinions on all the cast members this year I've taken it upon myself to rank them from coolest to whackest.  Note that these rankings can change...for example: at one point I though Will was cool but now he's confirmed himself as a wanksta.

1. Greg:  He is by far the coolest person on the show.  You heard me right, BY FAR.  I know, I know, he's an asshole, he plays pranks, he's cocky...but let's look at the facts.  First of all, he's only an asshole to the roommates when they hate on him.  For example, he played pranks on the girls when they hated on him and his associates.  He never played a prank on Dave and look how Dave treated him.  He cooks for everybody, mediates their disputes, and is the REALest one because he says what's really on his mind.  If he don't wanna do improv, he don't do it...if he thinks you're a peasant, he'll tell you.  And if you're not convinced yet, I'll point you to how he handled the whole Will situation.  He actually forgave this man and tried to place him in the inner circle after Will messed with his associate, took swings at him, threw things at him, challenged his manhood, and disrespected his dead father.  How many of you could forgive somebody who did those things to you?

Peasants: Mr. steroid freak who's headed home, Ms. "Let's not get ghetto", Mr. Ken doll, Ms. Little Miss Perfect, Mr. "I was made fun of when I was a kid!" (what a wanksta), and Ms. Drop Down and get ya eagle on gurl.

Breakfast from an unorthodox point of view

So yeah, I was hungry this morning and I figured, "What better time for an unorthodox meal?"  I got on it extra crucially this morning.  That extra crucial and extra healthy whole wheat linguine, and yes it's endorsed by the American Heart Association.  Then I added bacon, shrimp, and eggs to that crucial Great Value Alfredo sauce! Yamms!!! Him tasted extra good, holla!